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 Lita Douglass

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Posts : 12
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Join date : 2013-07-21
Age : 31
Location : I... live on the streets.

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PostSubject: Lita Douglass   Lita Douglass Icon_minitimeSat Mar 08, 2014 3:43 pm

Name: Lita Douglass

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human, although there are a few people who believe that her great great great great great great grandfather took an Elven Evocationist for a wife, thus adding some fey blood to the line.

Archetype: Shaman (Ice branch)

Skin Tone: Very, very pale

Eye Color: amber. This also adds to the rumor that she has elven ancestry

Hair Color: Chocolate brown

Hair Length: short. It is also quite messy, and moves in the wind easy

Height: 6'1

Weight: 156

Body Type: thin and wiry.

Mother: Saraiah Douglass (Maiden name Yvonne)

Father: Andrew Douglass

Siblings (if any): Jason (23) and Megan (12)

Profession: Lita's considering going to college in art, to be a sculptor in ice

Talents: eye for detail. Gymnast, so she's able to perform some basic level acrobatics

Ice Powers:
Icy touch (can freeze/thaw objects just by touching them. the larger the object, the longer it takes to freeze/thaw. A human-sized body would take about 30 minutes. Wearing gloves can nullify this ability)
Shatter Blast (Can make a directional shockwave of icy hail crystals that do mild damage to opponents. effective range 0f eight feet in distance, shockwave is 3 feet at widest.
Chilling presence (When Lita is feeling moody, the air tends to get really, really cold, and at extremes, there is even snow in the air. Can be done willingly. Max effect: 21 degrees farenheit when this is done subconsciously, and 11 degrees farenheit when done deliberately.)
Freezing Fury (her most difficult ability. Can make a small, localized blizzard with heavy snowfall, hail, and sleet in a 15 foot radius. Can only do once every other week, though she occasionally practices to try and increase her strength with her other abilities. Lasts about five minutes, and temperature drops to 5 degrees farenheit with windchill.)
Ice Shards (Can make daggers of ice which she can throw or use in melee. Generally about 5 inches long in blade length)

As expected, Lita is completely impervious to the effects of cold.

Strengths: Loyal to friends, family. Clever, and can usually think of interesting ways to solve problems.

Weaknesses: Iitially distrusting of most others, uncomfortable in crowds. Difficulty expressing emotion. Very low tolerance to heat

Flaws: Terrified of hurting friends/family. Can't handle stress well. Puts self down easily. Self-Sabatoge comes naturally. Fierce Loyalty can be taken advantage of

Weapon (if any): Ice Daggers, if neccesary, but Lita prefers avoiding combat except when friends/family are threatened

Personality: Lita is a cold individual to those whom first meet her, and even can seem uncaring to their problems. This isn't really their fault, it's just because she has a difficult time trusting them. As time goes on, however, she will slowly start to open up her shell, allowing only those whom she truly trusts into her heart. Even then, she still has a small sliver of ice in her heart, and finds it nearly impossible to trust someone entirely. Underneath her icy exterior, pun totally intended, Lita actually can be as warm as a young kitten. This is a side to Lita that just isn't seen by anyone in general, and they need to work in order to get to this side of her. She is more open around those she truly trusts, more willing to discuss what made her so cold, apart from her powers ((PUNS!)), and more emotionally clear. That is, she'll actually express emotion when she opens up.

Background: Lita always had been a different child. Her parents knew that the moment that they saw her open her eyes, and saw the amber color. Since then, they tried to take care of her, even when, at the age of three, she accidentally froze her milk bottle, with milk still inside. It was three days before the milk had thawed out. As Lita grew up, she endured relentless teasing at school until they finally moved, and Lita decided to hide her powers from others, trying to appear normal. Her parents tried to teach her to embrace who she was, and it was several years until, at about 16, she finally decided to be more open with them, and showed them to her boyfriend. Unfortunately, he thought her a freak because of them, and left her, which left Lita to gaurd her heart, making her as cold as she is now. At the age of eighteen, shortly before she turned 19, her mother was hit by a bus, and had to be admitted to the hospital. She still has not recovered.

RP Example: Lita was humming let it go to herself as she walked down the street. As she did, she subconsciously noted that some snow was falling from the sky around her in gentle flurries. She was just leaving the hospital. Her mother had still not recovered from the coma she was in. Even some magic humans with healing powers didn't seem powerful enough to heal her mother. The best they could do was keep her stable while they tried to find a stronger healer. Some of them even considered hunting for the elves, but the problem was that the elves never wanted to be found. Lita sighed in frustration. She hoped that maybe someone would just step up and fix her mother. She was so self absorbed, she didn't see the person coming until she knocked into him, knocking the book out of his hand. "Oh.... Hello."

Notes: The bit about the rumor of her elven ancestor? It's true. If someone wants to make an elven Evocationist charry, maybe they could PM me and we could collabe on the character maybe
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